Attività di ricerca nell’ambito del Progetto “Shaping the social brain through early interactions – SAPIENS”, Horizon 2020 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, volta a sviluppare modelli di AI per l’analisi del movimento e del pianto infantile per prevedere precocemente possibili disturbi del neurosviluppo.
Pubblicazioni congiunte:
– Marzena Oliveira Ribas (previously Marzena Szkodo), Martina Micai, Angela Caruso, Francesca Fulceri, Maria Fazio, Maria Luisa Scattoni. “Technologies to support the diagnosis and/or treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review”. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Volume 145, 2023.
– Marzena Oliveira Ribas, Martina Micai, Massimo Bernava, Gennaro Tartarisco, David Lopez Perez, Maria Fazio, Przemyslaw Tomalski, Maria Luisa Scattoni. “Using DeepLabCut for recognizing early motor development patterns associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders”, Artificial Intelligence In Medicine Journal (UNDER REVIEW).

IRCCS Centro Neurolesi “Bonino di Pulejo” di Messina
Attività di ricerca per l’automazione dei processi medico-sanitari nell’assistenza remota di pazienti affetti da patologie neurologiche.
Pubblicazioni congiunte:
– A Celesti, M Fazio, A Romano, A Bramanti, P Bramanti, M Villari. An OAIS-based hospital information system on the cloud: Analysis of a NoSQL column-oriented approach. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 22 (3), 912-918, 2017.
– L Carnevale, A Galletta, A Celesti, M Fazio, M Paone, P Bramanti, … Big data his of the IRCCS-ME future: The osmotic computing infrastructure. Cloud Infrastructures, Services, and IoT Systems for Smart Cities, 199-207, 2017.
– A Celesti, F Celesti, M Fazio, P Bramanti, M Villari. Are next-generation sequencing tools ready for the cloud? Trends in biotechnology 35 (6), 486-489, 2017.
– L Carnevale, A Celesti, M Fazio, P Bramanti, M Villari. Heart disorder detection with menard algorithm on apache spark. European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, 229- 237, 2017.
– L. Carnevale, R. S. Calabró, A. Celesti, A. Leo, M. Fazio, P. Bramanti, M. Villari. Toward improving robotic-assisted gait training: Can big data analysis help us? 2019, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
– A. Celesti, M. Fazio, F.G. MĂĄrquez, A. Glikson, H. Mauwa, A. Bagula, F. Celesti, M. Villari. How to develop IoT cloud e-health systems based on fiware: A lesson learnt. 2019, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks.
– Galletta, A., Carnevale, L., Bramanti, A., Fazio, M. An Innovative Methodology for Big Data Visualization for Telemedicine, 2019 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15(1),8370134, pp. 490-497.
– A. Buzachis, A. Celesti, M. Fazio and M. Villari. On the Design of a Blockchain-as-a-Service-Based Health Information Exchange (BaaS-HIE) System for Patient Monitoring. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, June 30 – July 3, 2019, Barcellona, Spain.
– F. Celesti, A. Celesti, M. Fazio, A. Galletta, M. Villari. Optimizing the Research of DNA Sequences in a NoSQL Document Database: A Preliminary Study. Proceedings of the Workshops at the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, June 30 – July 3, 2019, Barcellona, Spain;
– Celesti, A., Lay-Ekuakille, A., Wan, J., Fazio, M., Celesti, F., Romano, A., Bramanti, P., Villari, M. Information management in IoT cloud-based telerehabilitation as a service for smart cities: Comparison of NoSQL approaches (2020) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 151, art. no. 107218.
– Ruggeri, A., Fazio, M., Celesti, A., Villari, M. Blockchain-Based Healthcare Workflows in Federated Hospital Clouds (2020) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12054 LNCS, pp. 113-121.
– Celesti, A., Celesti, F., Fazio, M., Villari, M. Improving Tele-Rehabilitation Therapy Through Machine Learning With A NoSQL Graph DBMS Approach. IEEE Global Communications Conference 8 – 10 December 2020.
– M Fazio, A Buzachis, A Galletta, A Celesti, M Villari. A proximity-based indoor navigation system tackling the COVID-19 social distancing measures. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’20), 1-6. 2020.
– Rosa Di Salvo, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, Domenico Santoro, Massimo Villari. Mathematical Model and AI Oriented Analysis for Self-Regulated Learning in Remote Health Treatments. IEEE Global Communications Conference 8-10 December 2020.