Research in ICT applied to the health domain
The research activities investigate innovative technologies in the field of Cloud and Edge computing, IoT, Big data, AI and security, identifying application opportunities in different healthcare areas. Some of the investigated health topics concern patients telemonitoring, neurological rehabilitation and speech disorders. Scientific results have been published in international Journals and presented at international conferences and workshops.

Compute Continuum
The activity investigates Cloud and Edge resource management techniques, heterogeneous and distributed (e.g. operating in federated clinical sites), in a transparent manner with respect to the application level, but taking into account both the state of use of the computing infrastructure and the needs of the applications themselves (Intent-based resource management).
Workflow management
The activity investigates how to automate healthcare processes by developing new functionalities for process management engines, with the main goal to manage different Data Spaces across federated administrative domains.
Securing Big Data
The activity investigates security techniques in the treatment of Big data, considering the entire life cycle of the data itself, guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity and availability. The developed solutions include distributed cryptographic techniques and homomorphic cryptography.
Artificial Intelligence
The activity develops Artificial Intelligence (AI) models aimed at solving specific data analysis problems in health use-cases and to optimize ICT solutions. New AI models operating on distributed systems (e.g. Federated Learning) and based on reinforcement, also of the human type, (e.g. Reinforcement Learning) are of particular interest.